Lacrosse Nova Scotia Powered by Goalline Sports Administration Software

RBC IDEA Lacrosse Fest


We welcome all volunteer help for this exciting event. READ MORE and register to help. We will contact you!

RBC Lacrosse Fest
What is the RBC Lacrosse Fest?
The RBC Lacrosse Fest is an event focused on introducing the game of lacrosse through various on-floor sessions to under-represented youth. This event will include youth ages five to 16 years old from Indigenous, black, newcomer and 2SLGBTQ+ communities across Nova Scotia. Participants should expect a fun and exciting event, where they will learn the history of lacrosse and how to play from experienced coaches. 
We are currently seeking volunteers to come and offer their time and skills, creating a fun and exciting event for our participants.
The RBC Lacrosse Fest will host several smaller events between the various on-floor sessions, including a BBQ, musical performance, speeches, Indigenous dance and more.
When and where is the RBC Lacrosse Fest happening?
The event will take place June 25, 9 a.m. to 8 p.m., and June 26, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., all at the RBC Centre, 259 Commodore Drive, in Dartmouth. Volunteers will be asked to arrive at various times, depending on the position they wish to help with.
How to join us as a volunteer:
If you are interested in helping with this exciting event in any of the roles detailed below, you may register on Lacrosse Nova Scotia’s registration page.

Registration desk
  • Register participants, guide them to the appropriate location.
Vendor tables
  • Hand out pamphlets, give general information on various organizations associated with the event.
Help facilitate events
  • Pass out lacrosse sticks/ T-shirts, run BBQ/ canteen, guide participants and family to performances.
We thank you for your interest in helping us present this exciting event. Further details about the event may be found on Lacrosse Nova Scotia’s website.

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Powered by Stack Sports Lacrosse Software