Funding Opportunities: Coaches

Funding Opportunities

The table below outlines the available award/grant opportunities available to coaches in Nova Scotia.

If you have any questions regarding what funding application you may be eligible for, contact Donna Goguen, LNS Executive Director (, for more information.

Support4Sport — Individual Coach Initiative
  • Description: Funding is available to individual coaches for certification or training initiatives.  Coaches will be supported based on the quality of their initiative and their ability to assist Nova Scotia athletes and coaches at all levels.  Generally, funding will not be available for traveling to events with athletes. Coaches must be in good standing with their PSO's and and be fully certified in Competition Intro.
  • Deadlines: Coach Applications will be reviewed monthly. Applications must be completed and submitted by the applicant and endorsed by the PSO by the 15th of the month to reviewed by the Support4Sport Committee at the end of the month.
  • Contact: Kaitlin McCoombs, Support4Sport Coordinator, SNS 

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